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Raspberry Pi installieren: Raspberry Pi OS

Hier gibt's Anleitungen und Themen dazu.

Beiträge: 514
Registriert: 13.02.2015, 22:24
RasPis: 10+

Re: Raspberry Pi installieren: Raspberry Pi OS

Beitrag von Outi »

Kleines Update (ohne Änderung der Anleitung).

Download wie immer hier: Externer Link Download

Änderungen neues Image (hier 64Bit Desktop Version): hat geschrieben:2022-09-22:
* NodeRED removed from Recommended Software and full image - should only be installed via apt
* Improved speed of startup of lxpanel network controller plugins
* Improved detection of Bluetooth HID devices in first-boot wizard
* Bug fix - splash screen version number and date incorrect
* Bug fix - text entry in searchable main menu ignored while caps or num lock active
* Bug fix - keyboard shortcuts to open Wi-fi and Bluetooth plugin menus not working in 64-bit builds
* Bug fix - typo in Bluetooth device menu
* Bug fix - crash when cycling windows in mutter
* Bug fix - spurious text output in raspi-config network configuration selection
* Bug fix - firstboot script skipped further steps if rootfs resize failed
* Bug fix - firstboot script inadvertently wrote /test.log
* Bug fix - typo in raspi-config resulted in empty file /2 being created
* Raspberry Pi firmware 48cd70fe84432c5d050637b61e4b7b9c831c98bf
* Linux kernel 5.15.61
Vollständige Release Notes: Externer Link Link
;) Gruß Outi :D

Beiträge: 514
Registriert: 13.02.2015, 22:24
RasPis: 10+

Re: Raspberry Pi installieren: Raspberry Pi OS

Beitrag von Outi »

Weiteres Update (ohne Änderung der Anleitung).

Download wie immer hier: Externer Link Download

Änderungen neues Image (hier 64Bit Desktop Version): hat geschrieben:2023-02-21:
* glamor now disabled on all platforms other than Raspberry Pi 4 with legacy video driver
* msdri3 video driver support added
* KiCad added to Recommended Software
* Support for new touchscreen driver added to Screen Resolution tool; minor UI tweaks
* GTK message dialogs shown with right-justified buttons
* Bug fix - updater plugin now does not clear icon when an update has failed
* Bug fix - keyboard highlight now shown on GTK switch control
* Some Korean and Brazilian translations added
* Fix rpi-imager hidden ssid configuration
* Install kms++-utils
* Raspberry Pi firmware 78852e166b4cf3ebb31d051e996d54792f0994b0
* Linux kernel 5.15.84
Vollständige Release Notes: Externer Link Link
;) Gruß Outi :D

Beiträge: 514
Registriert: 13.02.2015, 22:24
RasPis: 10+

Re: Raspberry Pi installieren: Raspberry Pi OS

Beitrag von Outi »

Anleitung und Bilder an neues Image angepasst.

Download wie immer hier: Externer Link Download

Änderungen neues Image: hat geschrieben:2023-05-03:
* 64-bit Mathematica added to rp-prefapps
* Bug fix - occasional segfault in CPU temperature plugin
* Bug fix - X server crash when changing screen orientation
* Bug fix - X server DPMS not working
* Mathematica updated to 13.2.1
* Matlab updated to 23.1.0
* Chromium updated to 113.0.5672.59
* Raspberry Pi Imager updated to 1.7.4
* RealVNC server updated to
* RealVNC viewer updated to
* Updated VLC HW acceleration patch
* libcamera
- Add generalised statistics handling.
- Fix overflow that would cause incorrect calculations in the AGC algorithm.
- Improve IMX296 sensor tuning.
* libcamera-apps
- Improve handling of audio resampling and encoding using libav
- Improve performance of QT preview window rendering
- Add support for 16-bit Bayer in the DNG writer
- Fix for encoder lockup when framerate is set to 0
- Improved thumbnail rendering
* picamera2
- MJPEG server example that uses the hardware MJPEG encoder.
- Example showing preview from two cameras in a single Qt app.
- H264 encoder accepts frame time interval for SPS headers.
- H264 encoder should advertise correct profile/level.
- H264 encoder supports constant quality parameter.
- Exif DateTime and DateTimeOriginal tags are now added.
- Various bug fixes (check Picamera2 release notes for more details).
* Some translations added
* Raspberry Pi firmware 055e044d5359ded1aacc5a17a8e35365373d0b8b
* Linux kernel 6.1.21
Vollständige Release Notes: Externer Link Link
;) Gruß Outi :D

Beiträge: 514
Registriert: 13.02.2015, 22:24
RasPis: 10+

Re: Raspberry Pi installieren: Raspberry Pi OS

Beitrag von Outi »

Anleitung und Bilder an neues Image angepasst (Bookworm 64Bit).

Download wie immer hier: Externer Link Download

Änderungen neues Image: hat geschrieben:2023-10-10:
* Based on Debian bookworm release
* Support for Raspberry Pi 5
* Desktop now runs on the Wayfire Wayland compositing window manager on Raspberry Pi 4 and 5 platforms; on X11 using the openbox window manager on older platforms
* lxpanel replaced with new wf-panel-pi application when running Wayland; existing lxpanel plugins migrated; gpu performance and power plugins added
* pcmanfm modified to use Wayland backend when running on Wayland
* PipeWire used instead of PulseAudio as audio control subsystem; various changes made to volume control plugin to support this
* NetworkManager used instead of dhcpcd as networking interface; various changes made to networking plugin to support this
* Firefox browser added as alternative to Chromium; selection of default browser added to Raspberry Pi Configuration tool
* WayVNC VNC server used instead of RealVNC when running on Wayland
* All customisation and configuration applications modified to customise Wayfire environment as appropriate
* grim used as screenshot tool instead of scrot when running on Wayland
* eom image viewer used instead of gpicview
* evince document viewer used instead of qpdfview
* Chromium web browser updated to version 116
* VLC media player updated to version 3.0.18
* Magnifier program not available when running Wayland; Wayfire includes screen zoom capabilities
* CustomPC and Wireframe removed from Bookshelf
* Numerous small changes and bug fixes
* Switched from raspberrypi-kernel to Debian-based kernel packaging (linux-image-rpi-*)
* Switched from raspberrypi-bootloader to Debian based firmware packaging (raspi-firmware)
* /boot mount point moved to /boot/firmware
Vollständige Release Notes: Externer Link Link
;) Gruß Outi :D

Beiträge: 514
Registriert: 13.02.2015, 22:24
RasPis: 10+

Re: Raspberry Pi installieren: Raspberry Pi OS

Beitrag von Outi »

Anleitung und Bilder an neues Image angepasst.

Download wie immer hier: Externer Link Download

Änderungen neues Image: hat geschrieben:2023-12-05:
* Serial port switching in rc_gui and raspi-config modified to support Raspberry Pi 5
* Touch screens now identified with unique per-device strings to enable correct association with display devices
* Compatibility with RP1 displays added
* Theme files monitored by pixdecor plugin to load changes on the fly
* Main menu shortcut to The Magpi website restored
* GTK+2 theme harmonised with GTK+3 theme to enable more uniform theming of Qt applications
* Battery monitor plugin enabled
* Taskbar Preferences menu item added to panel right-click menu
* Better reloading of on-the-fly theme changes
* Various improvements to Wayfire rendering
* Dark GTK theme added
* Bug fix - suppressed warning notifications when removing USB devices without mounted filesystems
* Bug fix - volume keyboard shortcuts locked up on some devices
* Bug fix - correctly handling multiple USB audio devices with same name
* Bug fix - some translations not loading in panel plugins
* Bug fix - window titlebars disappearing when tiled
* Bug fix - local installer service failing to install local deb files
* Bug fix - wizard not correctly setting locale when explicit UTF-8 character set required
* Bug fix - system updates could fail if an update required the removal of an installed package
* Bug fix - prevent file manager windows opening larger than screen size
* Bug fix - GPU plugin displaying load percentage as -1
* Bug fix - various window manager crashes associated with shadows on certain window types
* Bug fix - allow VNC to be enabled if either RealVNC or WayVNC are installed
* WayVNC - improved support for encrypted connections
* Mathematica now works on Raspberry Pi 5 and 64-bit
* Scratch 3 now works on Raspberry Pi 5 and 64-bit
* Thonny updated to version 4.1.4
* Chromium updated to 119.0.6045.171
* Firefox updated to 119.0
* gpiod binary tools included in lite images
* python3-venv included in lite images
* Japanese translations updated
* German translation added to Appearance Settings
* Raspberry Pi firmware 12af703dd07d7721c1f2f58c6f71d9fe66270838
* Linux kernel 6.1.63
Vollständige Release Notes: Externer Link Link
;) Gruß Outi :D

Beiträge: 514
Registriert: 13.02.2015, 22:24
RasPis: 10+

Re: Raspberry Pi installieren: Raspberry Pi OS

Beitrag von Outi »

Anleitung und Bilder an neues Image angepasst.

Download wie immer hier: Externer Link Download

Diesmal gab es zwei kurz hintereinander erschienene Images vom 12.03.2024 und 15.03.2014.
Das damalige Image vom 11.12.2023 hatte ich ausgelassen (minimaler Fix), unten ist aber dessen History mit dran.

Änderungen neue Images: hat geschrieben:2024-03-15:
* Audio streams will now not be interrupted when other audio devices are connected or disconnected
* Keyboard shortcut to install Orca no longer prompts for password, and will now wait for clock synchronisation rather than failing silently
* Orca screen reader updated to version 45 with various additional small bug fixes
* Obsolete fbturbo video driver removed
* Bug fix - saved display resolution settings not reloading under X
* Raspberry Pi firmware 6e0ae774407d68659b50cfbeb9f493ed16718866
* Linux kernel 6.6.20 - 6f16847710cc0502450788b9f12f0a14d3429668

* Added setting of headless resolution to Screen Configuration
* Removed setting of headless resolution for Wayland from Raspberry Pi Configuration
* Improved handling of power button on Raspberry Pi 5
* Popover windows from taskbar replaced with conventional windows
* Shutdown assistant now closes all user processes when logging out
* Wayvnc updated to improve compatibility with various VNC clients
* Wayvnc now controlled by systemd
* Audio icon on taskbar hidden if no audio devices connected
* Alternative mouse cursor shown during drag-and-drop operations
* raspi-config now allows EEPROM to be upgraded
* Speed improvement when opening bluetooth and network menus
* Tweaks to display of some widgets under dark theme
* Improved compatibility with alternative window managers
* Bug fix - prevent multiple file manager confirm dialogs being overlaid
* Bug fix - drag-and-drop in file manager causing incorrect files to move
* Bug fix - memory leaks in volume and bluetooth menus
* Bug fix - GPU load sometimes not correctly reported in plugin and task manager
* Bug fix - crash when closing windows with non-GTK headerbars
* Bug fix - spurious button hover highlights on touchscreens
* Bug fix - windows on other monitors being hidden from taskbar
* Bug fix - corrected power monitoring brownout detection
* Bug fix - wayfire keyboard layout settings sometimes not loading
* Removed fbturbo xorg video driver as it is no longer useful
* Chromium updated to 122.0.6261.89
* Firefox updated to 123.0
* Raspberry Pi firmware 6e0ae774407d68659b50cfbeb9f493ed16718866
* Linux kernel 6.6.20 - 6f16847710cc0502450788b9f12f0a14d3429668

* Fix Raspberry Pi Imager's WLAN configuration for lite images
Vollständige Release Notes: Externer Link Link
;) Gruß Outi :D

Beiträge: 514
Registriert: 13.02.2015, 22:24
RasPis: 10+

Re: Raspberry Pi installieren: Raspberry Pi OS

Beitrag von Outi »

Anleitung und Bilder an neues Image angepasst und Info bei Zugangsfehlermeldung SSH Login hinzugefügt.

Download wie immer hier: Externer Link Download

Änderungen neues Image: hat geschrieben:2024-07-04:
* pipanel - allow customisation of more than 2 desktops
* pipanel - add customisation for labwc
* gui-pkinst - add whitelist to restrict installation to specified packages only
* pixflat-theme - add theme settings for labwc
* pishutdown - revert to original use of pkill to close desktop
* piclone - fix for potential buffer overflow vulnerability (that would never have actually happened…)
* lp-connection-editor - fix dialog icons on taskbar
* rp-prefapps - add Raspberry Pi Connect; remove SmartSim
* piwiz - add page to enable / disable Raspberry Pi Connect
* wf-panel-pi - constrain main menu to fit on small screens
* wf-panel-pi - fix dialog icons on taskbar
* wf-panel-pi - fix keyboard handling and icon highlighting for taskbar buttons
* raspberrypi-ui-mods - add configuration for labwc
* raspberrypi-ui-mods - add support for new touchscreens
* raspberrypi-ui-mods - systemd-inhibit used to override hardware power key on Pi 5
* rc-gui - add configuration of alternate keyboard layout
* rc-gui - add switching for Raspberry Pi Connect
* arandr - add brightness control for DSI displays
* arandr - more reliable method to detect virtual displays
* raspi-config - add setting of keyboard options
* raspi-config - add setting of PCIe speed
* raspi-config - add switching for Raspberry Pi Connect
* wayvnc - better handling for virtual displays
* wayvnc - improved encryption support
* GTK-3 - add keyboard shortcuts in combo boxes
* pcmanfm - allow customisation of more than 2 desktops
* pcmanfm - fix bug causing crash and inconsistent behaviour on certain drag and drop operations
* raspberrypi-sys-mods - add udev rule to allow backlight change
* raspberrypi-sys-mods - increase swapfile size
* raspberrypi-sys-mods - remove symlinks from paths in initramfs scripts
* wayfire - fix for crash when opening multiple Xwayland windows
* wayfire - fix for touchscreen bug when touching areas without windows
* labwc compositor installed as an alternative to wayfire; can be enabled in raspi-config
* various small bug fixes and tweaks
* Chromium updated to 125.0.6422.133
* Firefox updated to 126.0
* Raspberry Pi firmware 3590de0c181d433af368a95f15bc480bdaff8b47
* Linux kernel 6.6.31 - c1432b4bae5b6582f4d32ba381459f33c34d1424
Vollständige Release Notes: Externer Link Link
;) Gruß Outi :D

Beiträge: 514
Registriert: 13.02.2015, 22:24
RasPis: 10+

Re: Raspberry Pi installieren: Raspberry Pi OS

Beitrag von Outi »

Anleitung und Bilder an neues Image angepasst.

Download wie immer hier: Externer Link Download

Änderungen neues Image: hat geschrieben:2024-10-22:
* labwc compositor now used as the default on all models of Raspberry Pi
* wf-panel-pi now loads plugins dynamically at runtime
* New raindrop screen configuration tool to replace arandr
* squeekboard on-screen keyboard installed; will automatically run on systems with touchscreens, and can be manually enabled in rc-gui for others
* Improved support for touchscreens - long press for right-click, and double-tap for double-click
* Update installer moved out of panel code into separate gui-updater package
* Missing cursors added to icon theme
* Wizard no longer auto-pairs Bluetooth HID devices by default - create the file "/boot/firmware/btautopair" to enable, or reboot wizard after first run
* Modified handling of Pi 5 power button to reduce CPU load when in shutdown dialog
* Raspberry Pi Connect now controlled by dedicated panel plugin instead of system tray icon and option in rc-gui
* Screen sharing in Raspberry Pi Connect now available as soon as a running WayVNC server is detected
* Safety info URL added to main menu
* Chromium package renamed from chromium-browser to chromium
* Various memory leaks in pcmanfm fixed
* Bug fix - crash when running Appearance Settings on headless systems
* Bug fix - crash when opening icon chooser in application properties dialog
* Translations updated
* Chromium updated to 130.0.6723.58
* Firefox updated to 131.0.3
* Raspberry Pi firmware a2e586ba98ce68f7d11b1c717ad8329b95dcb3b6
* Linux kernel 6.6.51 - 5aeecea9f4a45248bcf564dec924965e066a7bfd
Vollständige Release Notes: Externer Link Link
;) Gruß Outi :D

Beiträge: 514
Registriert: 13.02.2015, 22:24
RasPis: 10+

Re: Raspberry Pi installieren: Raspberry Pi OS

Beitrag von Outi »

Zwei neue Versionen erschienen.

Download wie immer hier: Externer Link Download

Änderungen neue Images: hat geschrieben:2024-11-19:
* Fix bluetooth rfkill whitelisting
* Fix Imager NM WLAN unblocking
* Raspberry Pi firmware a2e586ba98ce68f7d11b1c717ad8329b95dcb3b6
* Linux kernel 6.6.51 - 5aeecea9f4a45248bcf564dec924965e066a7bfd

* labwc updated to version 0.7.4
* Some wayfire keybindings migrated to labwc
* Code the Classics 2 added to Recommended Software
* raspi-config - added some additional bootloader options
* Bug fix - timing issue in network plugin sometimes causing menu to fail to appear
* Bug fix - crash on repeated setting of mouse and keyboard values
* Bug fix - allow setting of very slow mouse speed
* Bug fix - some icons not displaying in main menu and taskbar launcher
* Bug fix - right-click panel menus being displayed instead of left-click in some situations
* Bug fix - allow non-wireless network menu items to be accessed when wifi country not set
* Bug fix - file rename dialog shown in error on multiple double-clicks in file manager list view
* Bug fix - greeter background graphic restored
* Bump swap to 512MB by default
* Set initramfs to update for the latest kernel
* Removed default rc.local file that was used to print the IP address
- This is now handled by /etc/issue.d/IP.issue instead
* Removed ifupdown from default install as it is not used and slows down boot
* rfkill and NetworkManager defaults to blocking all devices by default
- On-board adapters devices are whitelisted
- WLAN devices are unblocked after the regulatory domain is set
* Chromium updated to 130.0.6723.116
* Firefox updated to 132.0
* Raspberry Pi firmware a2e586ba98ce68f7d11b1c717ad8329b95dcb3b6
* Linux kernel 6.6.51 - 5aeecea9f4a45248bcf564dec924965e066a7bfd
Vollständige Release Notes: Externer Link Link
;) Gruß Outi :D